- Robot Navigation, Autonomous Exploration, Source Localization
- B.S. in Vehicle Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology(Weihai), 2015
- M.S. in Vehicle Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology(Weihai), 2017
- Ph.D in Robotics, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2022 (expected)
- Visiting Scholar in Robotics, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019 - 2021
- Linux(Ubuntu)
- ROS(Robot Operating System)
- C++
- Python
- Zhu H, Wang Y, Du C, Zhang Q, Wang W. A novel odor source localization system based on particle filtering and information entropy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2020 Oct 1;132:103619. pdf
- Zhu H, Wang Y, Du C, Zhang Q, Wang W. A novel odor source localization system based on particle filtering and information entropy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2020 Oct 1;132:103619. pdf
- H. Zhu, C. Cao, S. Scherer, J. Zhang, and W. Wang. DSVP: Dual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Rapid Exploration by Dynamic Expansion. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Prague, Czech, Sept. 2021. pdf
- H. Zhu, Y. Liu, W. Wang, Z. Obstacle negotiation analysis of track-legged robot based on terramechanics. Industrial Robot. 2021. pdf
- Chao Cao, Hongbiao Zhu and Howie Choset and Ji Zhang. TARE: A Hierarchical Framework for Efficiently Exploring Complex 3D Environments. Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2021. pdf(Best Paper Award and Best Systems Paper Award)
- Chao Cao, Hongbiao Zhu and Howie Choset and Ji Zhang. Exploring Large and Complex Environments Fast and Efficiently. Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021. pdf
- Gao W, Wang W, Zhu H, Huang G, Wu D, Du Z. Robust radiation sources localization based on the peak suppressed particle filter for mixed multi-modal environments. Sensors. 2018 Nov;18(11):3784. pdf
- Wang W, Gao W, Zhu H, Wu D, Huang G, Du Z. Improved Dynamic Optimization of PSPF-Based Sources Estimation in Local Multi-Modal Radiation Field. IEEE Access. 2019 Oct 22;7:153885-99. pdf
- D. Wang, H. Zhu, Y. Jin, Z. Yu, M. Wang. An advance commutation control method to suppress commutation torque ripple of brushless dc motors. Electri c Machines and Control. 22(10), 77-86, 2018. pdf
- Wang Y, Zhu H, Wang W. Octree-Based Repetitive Pose Detection of Large-Scale Cyclic Environments. In2018 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE) 2018 Nov 17 (pp. 60-64). IEEE. pdf
- DARPA Subterranean Challenge - Team Explorer (CMU&OSU) November 2019 - Present
- Ground Robot Autonomous Subsystem Leader
- Developed and Maintaining a full autonomous stack of ground robots, including local planners, terrain analysis, etc.
- Integrated all submodules to the ground robot system and implemented high-level decision making with behavior-tree
- Developed RRT-based road maps for global route planning $ \& $ recovery behavior for all abnormal cases
- Open-Source Project for Autonomous Robots - cmu-exploration Oct 20 - Present
- Collaborated on development of several exploration algorithms, including DSVP, TARE, etc.
- Cooperated in developing a simulation environment with full stack navigation algorithm
- Built visualization tools to assist the development of high-level algorithms
- Constructed typical simulation environments for ground robots
- National Major Project from Ministry of Environmental Protection, China July 17 - Aug 18
- Collaborated in developing a ground robot with a robotic arm to search for and grasp radioactive sources
- Designed the software system of console, including the interface, control logic and socket communication
- Integrated open-source navigation and trajectory planning algorithms into the robot system
- Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Robotics(T-RO), Journal of Field Robotics, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- Reviewer: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021, 2022
- Reviewer: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021